September 7, 2010

Why Did I Do It?!?!?

So its been a long time since i wrote. well well well, what to tell...well, i cut all my hair off yesterday! and i mean it's SHORT!!!!! i needed something more sofistocated and this is definately more sofistocated! :) i've been losing weight since i got back home from thatcher! its so weird because i can't figure out why i would lose weight here and not there. i'm not eating any different or anything. maybe its cuz im not as stressed out here in tucson or something. who knows. :)

I am currently not in school but that's ok with me because i didn't like school when i was in it. I live with my parents but i think i want to move out. the only problem with that is that im really scared to move out on my own. in thatcher it was different because i had 3 roommates and i was side tracked by school all the time. and besides, my parents paid for my rent and tuition last year so i didn't have to worry about that. I am a supervisor at my job at the movie theatre and i absolutely love it! i am still single but im growing to like it that way for now. and i'm going to ireland in the summer of 2012 :)

I'm going on my trip with my best friend Laura Warden and i can't wait! it's gonna be amazing! we're going to go to ireland, scotland and wales for a few weeks and it's going to be the most amazing thing ever! :)

May 21, 2010

Life Lately

i know i haven't written in a while but i'm sort of on vacation so i thought now was a good time to do it! :) so what has happened lately?... lets see, well i finished my first year of college at EAC!!! the best college in the universe! and i moved back in with my parents. its been something i've had to adjust to but its great! i love being back with my family and being closer to my job!

Speaking of my job...i'm still up for a promotion. i thought i was going to get it in april but i didn't mainly because i hadn't been there in the recent time before my boss gave out the promotions so she wanted to make sure i was still great with responsibility! so i started working again last friday and i've been working extra hard to prove i'm ready for a promotion! :) so hopefully i will be promoted to supervisor by the end of june! that's my goal, at least! :)

I don't have a boyfriend but there is a guy that i think i might be falling for against my better judgment! i don't want to like him at all! its a predicament, partly because i've dealt with any and all kinds of crap he's dealt out in the last 9 months and partly because he dated one of my roommates pretty seriously in the fall semester! i don't know what to do but for now i'm just letting things go! i hope my roommate doesn't get mad or anything because i kinda, sorta, not really like him! but she's the most amazing roommate anyone could ask for so i'm pretty sure she would be happy for me! i don't know tho! but i just wish something would happen one way or the other!

well that's what's been up with me lately! :)

February 23, 2010

I Hate Life's Rollercoasters

So i went back and forth about going to Pima next semester and Eastern. But i know now that need to go back to Tucson and go to Pima, as much as i don't want to, that's what i'm supposed to do. So, as a result, i'm moving back to Tucson the day after school gets out and going to school there. It sucks but at the same time, it's kind of exciting-ish... i don't know exactly.

February 22, 2010

Life's Decisions!

So i know i've said that i'm not coming back to Eastern and i'm going back to Tucson forever but i'm not 100% sure about that choice! i've pretty much decided that i'm going to work over the summer at the movie theatre in Tucson and at least try to save up enough to live here some more! i want to come back more than i ever thought i did and i can't just throw in the towel and call it a day with my choice to go to Tucson. Plus, one of my contributing factors is the fact that this soon-to-be-RM is possibly going there! i just have to see if there are any club rugby teams here! this is my new mission because i want to see him more often and hopefully he and i will become great friends! :) we're hoping!

February 21, 2010

Excitements and not so Excitements

a lot has happened since last time i wrote. i am officially moving back to tucson on May 15th or so and im never going back to eastern again. its super sad and i am deeply gonna miss it here but i know it's what i'm supposed to be doing with my life. but it's gonna make life so so so much easier! i will have a job, a car, cheaper school, no rent, and more time with my family and not around roommates that annoy me all the time! not one of them though! u know who u are! ;) but i love them all none the less.

i'm also going to get a dog the next litter my cousin's dog has! i can't wait! i was going to buy one of the four from this litter but it would be too much stress on my family right now so i can't. i was super sad when my mom said i can't get her so to make up for it, she got me a stuffed dog and named it sophie, which is what i was going to name her anyways! i love my mom! she's my best friend and my closest companion no matter what!

so, along with moving comes packing and i haven't even started and i'm going crazy! i know i don't even move for like three more months but i get really wrestless when i don't start packing in advanced because i don't like last minute packing! it is super annoying to me!

I have to teach tomorrow in gospel principles, and im kind of excited! i taught a while ago and i loved it! so i volunteered this week! besides it will give me something to keep my mind off of the fact that my great great aunt Beth died today. she was really old and had alsymers really bad so it was a good thing she passed but it's super sad. she was like a mother to my grandma so i went over there today and comforted my grandma till like ten this evening. i am so beat and tired! but the good thing is that my dad came down from tucson to see my grandma so i got to see him too! and my car! he let me drive it and have it tonight! i love him so so much!

Well i'm going to bed! i'm super tired and i need a shower for tomorrow!

January 31, 2010

News, News and, guess what, More News :)

it's been a while and i have a lot to tell! let's see... where to start. Well i'm not going to go to eastern arizona college after this semester because i can't afford the cost of living and tuition without going crazy of poor man's syndrom! it's a sad thing but i know it's for the best. but going home does have its perks. i have a house with no rent due, school is cheaper and i have a job here.

i'm trying to keep this on the downlow with people i know because i don't feel comfortable talking about it just yet.

i'm just kind of hoping for some kind of miracle that will allow me to stay but oh well! things will work out the way they are supposed to if i just have faith in the lord.

January 18, 2010

My Birthday!!! :)

So my birthday is on saturday and i can't wait! i love birthdays! they make me happy and i love spending time with loved ones just because i was born! it's simply marvelous! :)

I hope i get cool stuff tho! I am going to be 19! I need some lovin for being so old!

Me and my roommates are making a shload full of mini cupcakes and we're frosting them with cool colors and sprinkles! its way fun and i love it! :)

January 14, 2010

Winter Break

So my winter break was pretty boring for the most part. I mostly worked at the theatres and when i wasn't working i was watching movies at the theatres. You could pretty much say that my life was at the theatres. I did get to play my flute in church the sunday before christmas and it was really fun.

Christmas was amazing. i got a lot of clothes like socks and stuff along those lines and i also got some coloring books! i got a nativity set from my grandma and i love it! i also got the New Moon soundtrack and a couple Michael Buble cds! plus i got Shadowland, this book i've been dying to get since it came out in november! it was an overall great christmas!

Some of the amazing movies that came out over the break were Avatar!!! You definately need to go see it especially in 3D! it was superb! Sherlock Holmes was amazing too! i also saw Alvin and i thought it was stupid! The Princess and the Frog was a letdown! i thought it was going to be a lot better than it was! i was so sad! the characters and the songs were great but the storyline sucked quite a bit!

December 20, 2009

First Week Home

Life has been pretty sweet since i got back in town! i got to hang out with marae and latisha and it was super super fun! plus i started working at towers again! its as amazing as i thought it was going to be! and now i only have five more days till christmas! i can't wait till then! my tree has tons of presents under it and i can't wait to see what i got and to see how everyone liked their gifts that i got them! but other than that life is pretty sweet!

December 15, 2009

Super Tuesday!!!

I'm going home tomorrow after my world art final and i can't wait to see all of my friends and family! namely laura warden, marae andreaccio, scott shipley, richard glauser, and mi familia! i love the holidays!

December 14, 2009


so today was interesting...i woke up at 8 to finish my paper that was due at 9 this morning when i had to take my english final! i did pretty good on it i think. i finished in 45 minutes so i think thats pretty good! and i leave to go home on wednesday! i can't wait! and i start working soon as everyone probably knows by now! haha

tomorrow i have to finish my project for photoshop and then im free of that class!!! and on wednesday i only have my art final at 9 am and that should only take about a half hour! im so excited!

December 13, 2009


So i had quite a productive day! i wrapped all my family's gifts and i am pretty much ready for my trip home!

I like this boy but i don't ever want him to know! actually its kind of between two boys! blank and blank! haha and i think i am going to see if they would want to go on a date each with me and see where it goes from there! i don't know though. we'll just have to see! :)